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 Главная » 2010 » Февраль » 17 » Слова Any Other Way
Слова Any Other Way

Any Other Way

Музыка, слова: Jess Cates, Dan Muckala, Lindy Robbins

Альбом: Unbreakable

Слова песни

There you go, caught you crashing my dreams again
Just when I'm trying to get over you.
I tell my heart but
I can't seem to comprehend
A day without you.
Now you're gone
Got a life
But I wear the scars
Reminding me by the hour
That it's time to accept it's the way the things are
I wish I could but...

Can't imagine it any other way
A world without you is only wasted space
You're gone and I'll always wonder
Why it can't be any other way, any other way

Since you drained all the color out of the sky
How am I supposed to feel
It's like I'm living in somebody else's life
Tell me it's not real

I can't imagine it any other way
A world without you is only wasted space
You're gone and I'll always wonder
Why it can't be any other way, any other way

Can't imagine it any other way
A world without you is only wasted space
You're gone and I'll always wonder
Why it can't be any other way, any other way

Like we never had a falling out
Like the tears, they never hit the ground
Like you're still here, you're still here

Since you drained all the color out of the sky

I can't imagine it any other way
A world without you is only wasted space
You're gone and I'll always wonder
Why it can't be any other way
[Why does it have to be, why does it have to be]
A world without you is only wasted space
You're gone and I'll always wonder
Why it can't be any other way, any other way

Категория: Слова песен | Просмотров: 165 | Добавил(a): -=BsB=- | Теги: Any Other Way, слова песни | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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«  Февраль 2010  »

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